Well you'd typically only run a Debug build if you wanted to Debug the code, otherwise I run Release most of the time.
What are you using to compile the game? VS2013 (windows), GCC (linux) or XCode (Mac)?
If you're using the VS2013 solution then just choose "Release" from the dropdown, it runs MUCH faster.
Mostly due to not using MS's ridiculous debug memory manager and checking all of the allocations etc.
If you want a balance of Debug information but some optimisations then try the "PreRelease" build, it's basically "Release" but with debug symbols and a couple of optimisations disabled - faster than Debug but some code you can't debug, slower than Release.
Finally: Unfortunately no that probably isn't the correct piece of code, that's the ambient lighting colour for 3D models, it's probably defunct as well to be honest. I have no idea where the actual text colour comes from right now.
You can try either `
Code: Select all
// XXX duplicated in WorldView. should probably be a theme variable
static const Color s_hudTextColor(0,255,0,204);
or `
Code: Select all
const Color &c = Colors::HUD_MESSAGE;
For where they get the colour from, not sure quite which message it is you are talking about so hard to say in more detail.
I like the look of the mods you've been doing in the old-forums on SpaceSimCentral by the way :)