More identity to Manufactures

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More identity to Manufactures

Post by Nyankosensei »

Hi all

To me are need substantial differences in manufactures for make them reliable, that is the idea i have of the Pioneer space ship market

Sorry for my english i have do that with the help of google translation

Haber ships are recovered from the war and quite old converted for civilian use, sold at low cost have a good density of the hull at the expense of performance and fuel consumption, with low-level technology require a lot of maintenance because of the age, hold 7,8% of the market

OPLI Barnard have a great market because of quality and price but do not have high technology, with good performance of both consumption and power at the expense of the hull density do not require high maintenance and will retain 38% of the market

ALBR produces vehicles for civil use for good performance with superior technology, their strong point is reliability and a moderate density of the hull, maneuverability is average, hold 17.3% of the market

Auronox are the cult of spaceships, production is very limited due to the semi artisan production, require a good maintenance but offer high performance in both agility and power, consumption reduced on average but have a reduced cargo capacity, hold 5.6% of the market

Kaluri ships offer very high-tech and require frequent maintenance offer endurance records but sin in agility and density of the hull, hold 12.4% of the market

Mandarava Cspel are the latest generation of aircraft with amazing agility, power consumption, maintenance, have a low density of the hull but they offer a good load capacity and accounting for 18.9% of the market

I think for define a ship we need 5 factor agility*, power, hull density, fuel compsumation and load capacity that can make more choiche to the players first to buy a ship and not only related to power and cargo hold, other point have a less spawn of ships in station market and related to the % covered by the manifacture

*agility is the report manouver thrust/forward thrust

Just my crazy 2 cents
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Re: More identity to Manufactures

Post by bszlrd »

My way of thinking about the manufacturers:

* Haber - Crappy and cheaply mass produced ships. No real sense of design in terms of ergonomy. Low reliability, maneuverability and performance. Dirt cheap, but you won't really enjoy it. The manufacturer's aim is short term profitability over sustainability.

* OPLI - Simple, cheap, reliable, but average in terms of quiality, performance, maneuverability or reliability. Easy maintenance, but they need it frequently. Produced by penal labor at Barnard's star. They are fine but simple ships with a lot of opportunities for upgrades.

* ALBR - smaller independent yard, aiming for simpleness and quality with average performance. They can go far with little maintenance, and can be tweaked easily. Parts are a bit harder to come by. They are relatively cheap. They operate in SolFed space, but not closely related to the government.

* Auronox - independend, smaller ships, mostly for special interests. More handmade approach and high quality, high performance, but needs more care from the pilot. They can be very trusty ships with proper care. Something like a custom chopper manufacturer. Not a warship factory, but uses classic warship designd. (See harley davidspn or jeep). They are quite expensive, and don't have too large selection of models.

* Kaluri - Simple reliale, easy to maintain, but more low-tech ships. Emphasis on reliablity and ease of maintenance over high performance. These crafts can fly at good performance for a good while without much maintenance. CIW yard with strong governmental connections. They started as an underdog workshop under solfed opression, so they have an appetite for easy tuning and modification and easy maintenance. They won't be very comfortable.
(Pumpkinseed is an exception to this, it's an overdone, high performance craft with very high maintenance need). Average price.

* Mandarava Csepel - high quality, high performance, expensive crafts, with higher need for more complex maintenance. Reliable on short term, but they need frequent maintenance to be on top performance. They are very comfortable. SolFed yard with close relations to the government. Expensive.

And we need at least another CIW yard in my opinion, or even two, and some others for other factions in the future.
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Re: More identity to Manufactures

Post by Thargoid »

Has anyone created the history of these manufacturers yet? With Elite:Dangerous novel sorted I have free time again (wierd feeling) so could start having a play around here, unless its too early to be doing that kind of thing. Has the 'storyline' been looked at over the last year? (I have a lot of catching up to do!)

EDIT: Never mind, should have checked the wiki properly first.
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Re: More identity to Manufactures

Post by bszlrd »

We always appreciate good writing, so don't hold back :) . I wrote some of those yard and ship descriptions, but my writing is not really good, so don't hesitate to expand or revise them if you see fit.
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