Code inspiration and rendering resource

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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by demolitions »

At the very least it needs to be rewritten, this is in python.
Maybe it should be better to generate cities upfront and store them in the planet object, provided that's not a too large amount of data, maybe they could be generated in a separated thread started on system entering, if there aren't cities in the planet object.
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by FluffyFreak »

There are other city generators available online for reference.
PCity is at sourceforge and has a an older versions code downloadable called Metropolis (DOWNLOAD).
There was a great one that I still have a copy of simply called "CityGen" but it seems that downloads and webpage for it have gone from the net :/ I can probably share it (7-zip download) with people. It's C++ and DirectX but the ideas would be transferrable.
Then there are simpler approachs.
Student research projects.
But a good place to always check for links and implementations is vterrains city page.
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by FluffyFreak »

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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by FluffyFreak »

And another bonus link on using Biomes in terrain generation
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by impaktor »

Read them both. Interesting.

Today, I enjoyed watching this 10 minute video by the Retro city Rampage developer, on Getting RCR into a 8 bit game:
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by FluffyFreak »

I'll see you're 8-bit retro conversion and raise you a GAMER (screenshots).

It's not open source, or I suspect real-time, but damn look at those images!!!
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by Marcel »

While we won't need 3D galaxy scenes in Pioneer, yet, (maybe by 3300?) this statement
- most importantly, will eventually contain a code for modelling galaxies and performing likelihood analyses on observed data, yielding parameter statistics
stands out. It's over my head, of course, but I can get the gist of it. There may be some useful ideas for when the skybox drops away and we can finally see the "real" galaxy.
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by FluffyFreak »

So, Elite:Dangerous discussing how they generate their planets.
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Re: Code inspiration and rendering resource

Post by impaktor »

Interesting. So they discussed:
  • plate tectonics was very important (modelled stress and strain, ridges, canyons)
  • polar caps
  • tidal locking - more crater on one side
  • tall mountain only in mountain ridges
  • multi-ring craters, adding to each other
  • craters with a peak in them
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