I have a large ship and even with just ~1/4 plain fuel, 0 hyperspace fuel, and Bespoke Thruster, I can't keep up with assassination target; I need to follow them for some time and it often crashes as I reach their destination. It would be cool to have a thruster boosting system, with the kit and special fuel for it, alike to nitrous oxide system for cars; the kit would be to both inject the boosting fuel and protect against premature wear from such boosting.
Thank you for your consideration.
Feature request: Thruster booster
Re: Feature request: Thruster booster
We have something different in our mind (hull upgrade, so the ships can handle acceleration better), because for most ships thrust isn't the bottleneck. There's an acceleration limit on all ships, to avoid say a 1g - 16g acceleration range depending on how much cargo and fuel you have on the given ship.
We are thinking about introducing an override for the acceleration limit, but then you'd risk damaging your ship, cargo and passengers. The more you exceed the limit, the more damage is likely.
We are thinking about introducing an override for the acceleration limit, but then you'd risk damaging your ship, cargo and passengers. The more you exceed the limit, the more damage is likely.
Re: Feature request: Thruster booster
I forgot about
What about selling a reinforcement kit? It could either nullify or greatly reduce that risk. Maybe you sell the 0 weight override chip / bypass, and also sell the reinforcement.
I forgot about
Re: Feature request: Thruster booster
Yeah, that's the idea. Don't know the ETA though, but the new equipment system should be able to support it I think. At least the reinforcement equipment part. The override is another matter.
Re: Feature request: Thruster booster
In Joe Haldeman's "Forever War" I think they hunker down in waterfilled pods to withstand the high acceleration.
Would be cool with some mechanics for pushing the ship "in the red" to catch up with target / deadline.
Would be cool with some mechanics for pushing the ship "in the red" to catch up with target / deadline.