Feature Request: Highlighted item in System Overview > Trade info for easier shopping

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Feature Request: Highlighted item in System Overview > Trade info for easier shopping

Post by pebblegarden »

I'm requesting the ability to mouse-click/highlight an item in the System Overview > Trade Information display, for easier shopping. This selection would have nothing to do with what's actually in your hold, it's just a convenient visual highlight

The problem is that the name of the item, and its corresponding economy rating, are too widely spaced to read easily. Each time you inspect another station/market, you must visually confirm you are looking at the one item you are concerned with. A simple highlight bar would make this trivial.

I've created a mockup to illustrate this. Notice how the item ROBOTS is selected with a blue bar. Now it should be much quicker to spot profitable trades as you click through the various stations in the system.


(several edits for grammar and clarity of idea.)
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Re: Feature Request: Highlighted item in System Overview > Trade info for easier shopping

Post by bszlrd »

If the aim is to highlight, which ports are trading with that item, then how it would differentiate between exports and imports?
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Re: Feature Request: Highlighted item in System Overview > Trade info for easier shopping

Post by sturnclaw »

I believe the aim is more to select a commodity of interest and allow the eye to visually find it easily in the list of commodities displayed for a system/station.
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Re: Feature Request: Highlighted item in System Overview > Trade info for easier shopping

Post by bszlrd »

Oh, I nisunderstood then.
But then maybe some better design for the list would be a better solution, where the icons connect to the text clearer. Like moving the icons before the names, and maybe having qll commodities, and graying out thise that are not present. And redden the illegal goods.
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