Feature request: passengers transfer

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Feature request: passengers transfer

Post by DynV »

I had taxi missions which occupied all the passenger cabins that my ship could have and a sweet one was listed in the BBS, in the direction where I was heading with only 1 person for $4500. The vehicle I wanted to upgrade to was listed with very little money after I'd buy enough cabins for my active taxi missions and the extra one for the mission I wanted. I thought I'd get taxi & cargo missions until I get enough shields & a weapon good enough to finish the combat mission I had.Well! I went through it and the new passenger for the taxi mission I just agreed to, but the other cabins had the unoccupied cabin icon. I thought maybe when I undock the passengers will transfer to my new ship, but I got comms from unhappy people and there was no taxi mission listed anymore and all the extra passenger cabins had the unoccupied cabin icon, whereas a few seconds before 1 had the occupied icon.

Is there a way for the passengers to transfer when buying a new ship and that ship can welcome enough passengers for the taxi missions? I'm sorry if the idea was already brought up but I made a search for "passenger cabin" before creating this thread and I didn't see something that made me think it was.

Thank you for your consideration

Update 1

I thought maybe cheating to the other ship then setting my money to the same low amount would do the trick, but on 20220203-win it leads to the same failure.
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Re: Feature request: passengers transfer

Post by impaktor »

This falls between a "feature request" and a "bug", I think you could post to the issue tracker.

Changing ships with passengers aboard, should be handled, either you get message to empty cabins before selling ship", or they transfer, somehow (problem is, new ship doesn't have the passenger cabins). Of course, if you first put all the new ship's equipment in a "basket" before you buy, that might be a solution.
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:25 am

Re: Feature request: passengers transfer

Post by DynV »

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