I found my way to Pioneer back in 2019. Relatively early on, I started customising the game more to my liking as best I could. Without programming skills, my options were and are of course limited to modifying existing structures - adding my own cities, handcrafted systems, music, factions and NPC images, that sort of thing.
In my 'universe', humanity has not yet spread out across the galaxy, but still inhabits a fairly manageable area around SOL. But the systems contain individual descriptions and contents. Outside this 'bubble' there are smaller outposts and colonies, these are randomly generated. The availability of individual technologies is very limited, for example the autopilot is not readily available, is expensive and takes up a relatively large amount of space. Jump ranges are greatly reduced, etc.
Until today there are a few things I was not able to change or I could not find out how and if this is possible at all. Now I hope that someone here can point me in the right direction:
- How can I reduce the populated area when creating a new game?
- How can I assign individual races to specific factions (so that each faction can
have its own NPC images)?
- Can (surface ports) be assigned faction related logos?
- How can I determine which port / station model is used?
That's it for now. I really don't expect an explanation down to the last detail, a rough direction already helps.