Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by FluffyFreak »

You have to compile Assimp from source but crucially you also have to make sure that you've removed the package version first.

So get rid of any system installed version with:
sudo apt-get remove libassimp-dev
Then download the source for assimp 3.0, build it, and install with:
sudo make install
Then you can build Pioneer on the Raspberry Pi 2 ... but it still won't run due to something else missing to do with Assimp :(
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by FluffyFreak »

The exact error I get is:

Code: Select all

src/./pioneer: symbol lookup error: src/./pioneer: undefined symbol: _ZTIN6Assimp8IOSystemE
Which I think means that it's trying to load a shared library and failing to find the IOSystem in it? Maybe.
not sure how Linux does it's symbol / shared library dynamic linking, or even if it should be in this case since I thought we statically linked Pioneer on Debian-esque platforms which Raspbian is (isn't it?).
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by impaktor »

I just realized: with the new Amiga 1200 case (on Kickstarter for 7 more days), that comes with internal mounting points for both RaspberryPi and keyrah v2*, you can play pioneer on (a machine that looks like) an A1200! (see video further down on their kickstarter page)

*(A board that allows a C64 or Amiga keyboard and DB9 joystick ports to be used with, for instance, a RaspberryPi through a USB out)

So, that was my shameful plug.

Over at IRC, there have been some talk about the Pandora / Pyra, and that it would be cool to put Pioneer on it, which I think is similar to raspberry in hardware. Although, the price is a bit seep for most, so I don't think anyone actually have such a device.
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by FluffyFreak »

Ah ha!

Well I've got it to build, link and load the assimp lib.
I started from scratch, did not install the libassimp-dev library at all, built assimp myself and installed that and everything got as far as loading.

Then the glloadgen stuff fails to find a video mode because of course the Pi doesn't support OpenGL but OpenGL ES 2.0 and we don't have a codepath for that so... yeah.

Progress though!
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by FluffyFreak »

ModelCompiler runs fine, builds all of the models.

I might (/should) be able to get Pioneer to also run using the Dummy renderer but I ran out of time playing with it the other night, then tonight I got looking into EGL/ES 2.0 tutorials and initialisation and setup instructions.
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by impaktor »

  • 1. On what hardware do you do these things? Do you have a Pi?
  • 2. What would be a good name for pioneer on pi? "Pi-oneer", "Raspberry PIoneer" :)?
  • 3. What goes into makeing it compile (and run), is it just the build process and dependencies that are different or do you need to change pioneer code as well, to be more compatible?
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by FluffyFreak »

  • I bought a RPi2 kit from Amazon and an extra 32GB SD card.
  • "Raspioneer"?
  • There's some minor code changes due to x86 asm in the profiler, the dependencies and build steps are a little different due to needing to build assimp yourself, otherwise all very simple so compiles and links out-of-the-box.
Compilation and linking are not fast.
Getting setup takes time due to it's low speed.
Although it's a quad core CPU it's quite weak and crashes shortly after starting a "make -j4" build so really "make -j2" is your limit although I do have a tiny heatsink now on the cpu so it might be possible to run "make -j3".

It's not going to be a trail blazer in performance terms but whilst my main PC has been out of action it's been really fun getting things running on it :) I was at a bit of a loss as to what I was going to use it for except for little experiments, porting code, maybe as a media streamer / player but working around these issues has been almost pleasant.

I'm running Raspbian which as the default OS that most people seem to start with I figured it would be a good place to start because if I can get it running with a (very basic) OpenGL ES 2.0 then it gives others a cheap platform to try Pioneer on.
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by laarmen »

Oh hey, I should get my Pi out my drawer and try this! I'm using plain old Debian on it instead of Raspbian (Raspbian uses armv5+float because of the Pi1 whereas the Pi2 can run the armhf port of Debian).
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Re: Compiling Pioneer for Raspberry Pi (ARM)

Post by FluffyFreak »

Yeah I'll have to make a quick "Raspioneer" branch with my fixes / hacks but if you want to try it then i'll document them asap.
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