Time acceleration

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Re: Time acceleration

Post by FluffyFreak »

Well, if you want to add the ability to have tail sitters we'll happily help you develop it and help it through the merge process to get it into the game.

In general it's not that we don't want a feature, it's that we're busy writing other stuff that we're personally interested in.
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by DraQ »

FluffyFreak wrote:Well, if you want to add the ability to have tail sitters we'll happily help you develop it and help it through the merge process to get it into the game.

In general it's not that we don't want a feature, it's that we're busy writing other stuff that we're personally interested in.
Wouldn't it be possible to 'steal' the code from Genesia?
AFAIK it does have some tail-landers.
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by bszlrd »

It doesn't. Those are just landing gear animations that rotate the whole ship. Nor the controls, cameras or exhaust plumes are affected. It's just cosmetic.
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by FluffyFreak »

Also they're all done using the LMR system which was removed from Pioneer... erm, a year or more ago? You can't do it the same way.
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by DraQ »

nozmajner wrote:It doesn't. Those are just landing gear animations that rotate the whole ship. Nor the controls, cameras or exhaust plumes are affected. It's just cosmetic.
Ok, that's a bit of showstopper here.

Would it be possible to adjust existing liftoff/landing/autopilot routines with addition of pitch angle when landed?
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by FluffyFreak »

*Probably* - however no-one on the project wrote those AI routines. The guy who did left several years ago and they're largely a mystery.
We've maintained and modified them over time but there's a lack of expertise in that area.
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by DraQ »

One more thing regarding in-system jumps:

While for the reasons explained above I think it would be better if they weren't a thing, I also think it should be possible to set *any* celestial body, in current system or another, as jump target and initiate jump there - with usual 10AU inaccuracy.

Let me explain:
First, I think the less arbitrary restrictions, the better. Second, some systems are very spread apart, sometimes to the point of it being better to jump in and out of system if another is nearby, than to fly from planet to planet on conventional drives.
Third, a lot of far away ports are orbiting distant gas giants or are even on distant terrestrial planets, both having no practical way to get there in reasonable time.

Unrestricted hyperjump would sort these problems out while keeping the 10AU inaccuracy (which is also reasonable because the largest objects you may encounter are about this large - you don't want to exit inside a star, do you?) would limit its usefulness to cases where it's actually necessary. Maybe only explicitly disallow jumps to targets that are closer than 10AU away.

It might be useful to also rethink time and fuel consumption VS distance curve - it might be best if there was sort of "entry cost" involved in jumping in form of time and fuel expended just to get "moving".
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Re: Time acceleration

Post by FluffyFreak »

Maybe it's also time to accept that WARP drives are going to be a reality one day :)

In-system jumps would be good. We can target other stars within a system, for binary (and upwards) systems though I've never actually tried this myself! However being able to target any planetary body would be sensible so long as it was "navigable" where we set some limits on the definition of "navigable"
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