i've just modified Pioneer so the vessel direction is following the mouse position on the screen (the far from center is the mouse, the fast the vessel will change direction).
This flight model is activated with the space key (i've changed the key assignment for this). This is the code changed in each file for this:
In bold, what i've changed/ or added
KEY_BINDING(thrustForward, "BindThrustForward", Lang::THRUSTER_MAIN, SDLK_i, 0)
KEY_BINDING(thrustBackwards, "BindThrustBackwards", Lang::THRUSTER_RETRO, SDLK_k, 0)
KEY_BINDING(thrustUp, "BindThrustUp", Lang::THRUSTER_VENTRAL, SDLK_u, 0)
KEY_BINDING(thrustDown, "BindThrustDown", Lang::THRUSTER_DORSAL, SDLK_o, 0)
KEY_BINDING(thrustLeft, "BindThrustLeft", Lang::THRUSTER_PORT, SDLK_j, 0)
KEY_BINDING(thrustRight, "BindThrustRight", Lang::THRUSTER_STARBOARD, SDLK_l, 0)
KEY_BINDING(thrustLowPower, "BindThrustLowPower", Lang::USE_LOW_THRUST, SDLK_LSHIFT, 0)
KEY_BINDING(FlightFollowMouse, "BindFlightFollowMouse", Lang::FLIGHT_FOLLOW_MOUSE, SDLK_SPACE, 0) => add this line
static Game *game;
static struct DetailLevel detail;
static GameConfig *config;
static JobQueue *Jobs() { return jobQueue.get();}
static bool DrawGUI;
static int FlightModel; ==> add this line
Pi.cpp in the pi::init function add to the end:
Pi::FlightModel=0; ==> add this line
langstrings.inc.h add this to the end:
Shipcontroller.cpp changing the function pollcontrols with this:
static bool stickySpeedKey = false;
if (m_controlsLocked) return;
// if flying
vector3d wantAngVel(0.0);
double angThrustSoftness = 10.0;
const float linearThrustPower = (KeyBindings::thrustLowPower.IsActive() ? m_lowThrustPower : 1.0f);
// have to use this function. SDL mouse position event is bugged in windows
int mouseMotion[2];
SDL_GetRelativeMouseState (mouseMotion+0, mouseMotion+1); // call to flush
// if (Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT))
if (KeyBindings::FlightFollowMouse.IsActive())
if (Pi::FlightModel==0) Pi::FlightModel=1;
if (Pi::FlightModel==1)
int x,y;
const matrix3x3d &rot = m_ship->GetOrient();
if (!m_mouseActive) {
m_mouseDir = -rot.VectorZ(); // in world space
// m_mouseX = m_mouseY = 0;
m_mouseActive = true;
vector3d objDir = m_mouseDir * rot;
const double radiansPerPixel = 0.00002 * m_fovY;
const int maxMotion = std::max(abs(x), abs(y));
const double accel = Clamp(maxMotion / 12.0, 0.0, 90.0 / m_fovY/20.0);
m_mouseX = x * accel * radiansPerPixel;
m_mouseX = clipmouse(objDir.x, m_mouseX);
const bool invertY = (Pi::IsMouseYInvert() ? !m_invertMouse : m_invertMouse);
m_mouseY = y * accel * radiansPerPixel * (invertY ? -1 : 1);
m_mouseY = clipmouse(objDir.y, m_mouseY);
if(!is_zero_general(m_mouseX) || !is_zero_general(m_mouseY)) {
matrix3x3d mrot = matrix3x3d::RotateY(m_mouseX) * matrix3x3d::RotateX(m_mouseY);
m_mouseDir = (rot * (mrot * objDir)).Normalized();
else m_mouseActive = false;
if (m_flightControlState == CONTROL_FIXSPEED) {
double oldSpeed = m_setSpeed;
if (stickySpeedKey) {
if (!(KeyBindings::increaseSpeed.IsActive() || KeyBindings::decreaseSpeed.IsActive())) {
stickySpeedKey = false;
if (!stickySpeedKey) {
if (KeyBindings::increaseSpeed.IsActive())
m_setSpeed += std::max(fabs(m_setSpeed)*0.05, 1.0);
if (KeyBindings::decreaseSpeed.IsActive())
m_setSpeed -= std::max(fabs(m_setSpeed)*0.05, 1.0);
if ( ((oldSpeed < 0.0) && (m_setSpeed >= 0.0)) ||
((oldSpeed > 0.0) && (m_setSpeed <= 0.0)) ) {
// flipped from going forward to backwards. make the speed 'stick' at zero
// until the player lets go of the key and presses it again
stickySpeedKey = true;
m_setSpeed = 0;
if (KeyBindings::thrustForward.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(2, -linearThrustPower);
if (KeyBindings::thrustBackwards.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(2, linearThrustPower);
if (KeyBindings::thrustUp.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(1, linearThrustPower);
if (KeyBindings::thrustDown.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(1, -linearThrustPower);
if (KeyBindings::thrustLeft.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(0, -linearThrustPower);
if (KeyBindings::thrustRight.IsActive()) m_ship->SetThrusterState(0, linearThrustPower);
// if (KeyBindings::fireLaser.IsActive() || (Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) && Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)))
if (Pi::MouseButtonState(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT))
//XXX worldview? madness, ask from ship instead
m_ship->SetGunState(Pi::worldView->GetActiveWeapon(), 1);
if (KeyBindings::yawLeft.IsActive()) wantAngVel.y += 1.0;
if (KeyBindings::yawRight.IsActive()) wantAngVel.y += -1.0;
if (KeyBindings::pitchDown.IsActive()) wantAngVel.x += -1.0;
if (KeyBindings::pitchUp.IsActive()) wantAngVel.x += 1.0;
if (KeyBindings::rollLeft.IsActive()) wantAngVel.z += 1.0;
if (KeyBindings::rollRight.IsActive()) wantAngVel.z -= 1.0;
if (KeyBindings::thrustLowPower.IsActive())
angThrustSoftness = 50.0;
vector3d changeVec;
changeVec.x = KeyBindings::pitchAxis.GetValue();
changeVec.y = KeyBindings::yawAxis.GetValue();
changeVec.z = KeyBindings::rollAxis.GetValue();
// Deadzone more accurate
for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
if (fabs(changeVec[axis]) < m_joystickDeadzone)
changeVec[axis] = changeVec[axis] * 2.0;
wantAngVel += changeVec;
if (wantAngVel.Length() >= 0.001 || force_rotation_damping || m_rotationDamping) {
if (Pi::game->GetTimeAccel()!=Game::TIMEACCEL_1X) {
for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++)
wantAngVel[axis] = wantAngVel[axis] * Pi::game->GetInvTimeAccelRate();
m_ship->AIModelCoordsMatchAngVel(wantAngVel, angThrustSoftness);
if (m_mouseActive) m_ship->AIFaceDirection(m_mouseDir);
And now you'll have a vessel following the mouse, no need to move the mouse continuously, combats are more fun
Someone can test this ?
Mouse Follow flight model
Re: Mouse Follow flight model
It'll be much easier for people to test this if you put your changes in a branch on your github fork.
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Re: Mouse Follow flight model
If you've got a Git command line handy with your change made but not committed then you can just do something like:
which will create a new branch called "mouse_follow_flight" and push it upto GitHub, then you can make a pull request out of it using the web page and other can try it more easily.Code: Select all
git checkout -b mouse_follow_flight git commit -a -m "Mouse control changes" git push origin mouse_follow_flight
Re: Mouse Follow flight model
Tested a variant of this in paragon.
Diff is here if anyone wants to try, personally I think it's better than the existing mouseflight. : https://github.com/ParagonDevelopmentTe ... f6497d4008
To merge in for test :
Diff is here if anyone wants to try, personally I think it's better than the existing mouseflight. : https://github.com/ParagonDevelopmentTe ... f6497d4008
To merge in for test :
Code: Select all
git cherry-pick fa74fabb8a1fbf4c00517631b8252ff6497d4008
Re: Mouse Follow flight model
I haven't tried this (I don't even know how to build generaly...), but my gut says that the existing mouse steering might be better for heavier (with low angular acceleration) ships, since it's trying to face the cursor, so start to slow the rotation in time. So you can pick a heading without worrying much about acceleration-deceleration.
For lighter ships on the other hand...
Anyway, this should be selectable by a setting or something in my opinion, if that doesn't mess up anything.
For lighter ships on the other hand...
Anyway, this should be selectable by a setting or something in my opinion, if that doesn't mess up anything.