G-force Meter

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Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:01 pm

Re: G-force Meter

Post by baobobafet »

Boiling things down into more concise terms.

After some rethinking on the original idea incorporating the concept of shipyard available G force reflectors or modulators, this is the re-cap and evolution of the elements that would be needed:

[Foundation] To start
2 main types of G force regulating devices for the shipyard:

1. G Force reflector (basic) - Always produces 1G aboard ships regardless of acceleration speed (invulnerable to damage) [Default]

2. G force modulator (advanced) - Vulnerable to failure/damage,(requires failure alarm) can be turned On/Off by player. Produces 1G - aboard ships regardless of acceleration speed when enabled.

HUD Info
G Force Gauge or G Meter - toggle (turns HUD G reading on/Off)
G Meter is required to monitor ship G's if G modulator fails or it is disabled by the player.

If G modulator is disabled or toggled On/Off [text warning flashes momentarily stating "G force modulator On/Offline"]
I think it would be prudent for the player to have the ability of turning such a device ON and OFF, since a player may happen upon cargo during their journey requiring special G handling.
Whether scooping in space due spoils of war, or availability at a starport. Uninstalling/uninstalling G force regulators in shipyards in order to halt their effect doesn't seem practical.
So, if a player wants a G force regulating device he can switch on and off to suit the occasion, he should get the advanced G-Force Modulator.

If doing high G maneuvers and boost phases without an active G force regulator, there should be some tolerance grace period - so crew/cargo are not immediately killed or destroyed due to some small transgressions into high G territory.
If the G's remain persistent for X period - tunnel vision, loss of control and ultimately death will occur for passengers and crew.


Once the above foundation is in place, only then can the features below evolve and become useful additions.

Additional Upgrades from the shipyard:

G suits and other stasis technology - Could give passengers/crew a more survivability and durability to high G environments.
Depending on (Tech LV) - G tolerance for passengers/crew could be increased drastically.

There would be no advantage to using G-suits and stasis tech with 'active' G force regulators. Since they wouldn't allow ship's occupants to ever feel or experience more than 1G, even though the ship might accelerate well beyond that.

Specific G-Ratings on some products and trade items, such ratings could also be extended to crew members.

Special G Rated shipping Containers - Secures cargo for high G's. Increases G rating for goods.


Originally intended as a menu option but could also be an apropos shipyard item.

Any G force regulator must be removed or turned off for below [Auto Transmission] G force Limiter to function.

[Automatic Transmission] G Force Limiter(Caution - overrides Fuel saving autopilot in favor of higher acceleration)
A Device to limit autopilot/crew pilot or player) to hold as close to a specific number of G's on board ship as possible by leveraging the throttle (thrust limiter) as required.

Toggle ON/Off &/or Set G limit Slider [text warning flashes momentarily stating "G force Limiter On/Offline"]
Selectable ranges might be 1 to 30G's (or more?)
Note: Perhaps only a few ships will have the engine and fuel reserves to accelerate to very high G's in a short enough time period so that a desired G setting is achieved during any given trip.

Players might need to monitor fuel/water in the acceleration (boost) phase of a trip to insure it was not depleting too quickly -and if so, would need to lower the G force limiter setting to a less ambitious G acceleration.

When G Force Limiter is engaged and a player/autopilot or crew pilot are near a large body with heavy gravity, acceleration and G's may increase dramatically. In such cases an Audio alert should sound (flashing G indicator), permitting the player to take manual control and maneuver the ship so the main engines can help in reducing any excessive G's, avoiding further danger.

If a player wishes to hand their ship over to autopilot/crew with the G limiter enabled, it will probably be wise to try to simplify the course ahead - Check system map screen first and try to plot around any obvious gravity influences, thus minimizing any G alarms during the trip.

Perhaps the autopilot/crew A.I. are able to handle some of the above gravitational hurdles and diminish any excess acceleration G's accordingly - However with an alarm, players will have a heads up on those situ's.

Aside from being able to subject crew/passengers and cargo to reasonable (and unreasonable) G stresses, It allows for some standard and novel solutions.
Another nice perk to encourage advanced players to turn off their G Force regulators, would be to give the ship an acceleration bonus if crew, passengers and cargo are hardened enough to deal with higher than 1G tolerances.

One way of accomplishing this might be to handicap the acceleration rates of any ships using an 'ACTIVE' G force regulator. (remembering that if the G force regulator is turned off or disabled - it's as good as not there)

Hopefully, that covers the basic in's and outs?
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