Music Contribution

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Re: Music Contribution

Post by diduuz »

I was quite busy lately and didn't have much time for pioneer, but i made two tracks a while ago. For spaceports i was thinking something like digital_ballroom. It fits nicely into the background, like mall music. I don't know

And i also made floating, which might be too noisy, but i wanted to share it with you nonetheless.

here's the link, as always: ... drive_link

Also, i'm working on a new album, so i'm trying to ration my time between that and pioneer.
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by WKFO »

Insignificance_v2 is very good!
digital_ballroom is also good. City/port music need not be so elevator-musicy imho (but it is not a bad thing by itself, I am not against it).
focus_calm feels it'd be better for unexplored space spaceflight category.
floating could work as a "ship-nearby" or "discovery" track
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by WKFO »

Since it appears that we are using the same thread for all music contribution, here is my go at a city/port music:

I'm not sure whether the guitar synths are synthy enough or not.
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by sturnclaw »

Since we're using this as a "catchall" thread: I have a *request* for music this time instead of feedback!

I'm looking at implementing something akin to the "landed on planet" notification from No Man's Sky (e.g. for when players land at stations as a nice "welcome home" UI element. I'd like to have a short musical element (2-3 seconds) that plays as the background accompaniment to the UI element. Ideally, the music I'm asking for is a triumphal synth-based piece, but not too annoying/attention-grabbing that the player will be bored of it after landing at 3-4 stations in the span of 15 minutes.

So far we have a lot of longer-form background music here which is great (and will be integrated eventually :tm: when someone opens a pull request adding it), but we have a need for shorter music / SFX to establish a level of consistency across the game.
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by bszlrd »

Hehe, how about this:ú
(Sorry :P)
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by WKFO »

So a first attempt I made in like 10 minutes:

I did not listen to it enough times to get annoyed, but I guess if one was playing the game it wouldn't take too many instances of something like this playing before one would start getting irritated.
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by sturnclaw »

That's a very nice first attempt! I'd suggest the first second or so where you have the "hum" fading in without any other instruments feels a bit long, the section from 0:02 to 0:04 feels like it drags on a little bit long playing the same note pattern for its role as a "triumphal" / "announcement" effect, and it's generally a bit too loud/foreground (fading out a bit more aggressively could help solve that)... but now that I've finished savagely ripping it apart I really like it and think it would work very well if "squashed" to be a bit shorter and the melody continuing at reduced volume for most of the "tail" of the sound.

It somewhat reminds me of Stellardrone's work, which is a great segue to mention that I recently found out that Light Years (and other Stellardrone albums) is licensed CC-BY 3.0 and I think would work excellently in Pioneer as background/exploration music. I've floated the idea on IRC, but I'd appreciate feedback/thoughts on whether this is a good fit for the musical style of Pioneer and worth inclusion.
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by WKFO »

So the next iteration for the landing notification: ... i5nuq&dl=0

I haven't listened to enough Stellardrone to say anything, but the first comment on that idea is "Sure, if it is good, and it fits, and the license is okay, why not?" (But I didn't listen yet.)
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by DerkuneMUSIC »

Hello everyone. My name is Derkune and I'd like to donate some of my music. You may pick any or all (or none) of these tracks. They're of genres house, trance, and ambient IDM. I defer to your judgement on whether they fit the vibe of the game. These first few are unreleased and unnamed, so if you'd like me to name them, tell me that you choose them. The ones appended with "combat" are meant as combat music. ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing combat ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing combat ... sp=sharing

These next tracks are included in already released albums, but I'll write info about free copyright on their pages if you'd like to use them, so tell me. The ones appended with "combat" also are intended for combat. ... ear-140222 ... -five-1502 ... reedom-504 combat ... rrent-1804 ... a-dot-2804 ... there-2904 ... elong-1106 ... -love-1307 ... oom-100123 combat

In the game's discord I was told some of these tracks are a little bit too energetic for the ambient vibe of this game. If these don't fit the game just tell me, I wont be offended.
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Re: Music Contribution

Post by diduuz »


I haven't posted in a while because i was busy with other things in life, but i finally made a new track for pioneer. I was experimenting with the ways the 'docked' tracks could sound, but this one turned out to be rather tech-y. It fits a 'travel' scenario more. I also played the cello in it, let me know whether it fits the rest of the ost in your opinion. I was originally going to make a B section for this one, but ended up liking it so much, that i didn't do it. ... drive_link

These themes could be explored for 'docked' songs:
- Mall-ish sounding songs, like my other song 'digital ballroom'
- Simple and slow tracks with one to three instruments, utilizing acoustic instruments
- Songs that feel like you're listening to the local radio station on the current station/settlement.

I'll continue experimenting with these ideas, and when i'll have something presentable, i'll post it here.
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