emptyhead41 - facegen

Topics about the face generator.
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Re: Mission ideas

Post by emptyhead41 »

Hey Impaktor - thanks for all that. That's very useful, particularly how to look for the time controls rather than just point it out - teach a man to fish and all that. I'll check out the Donation missions first of all. Ta.

"If you want to make new faces, you could start by making it a module."

Not sure what you mean by this - could you elaborate a bit please?

At the moment I'm just drawing the faces and dumping them in the facegen folders. For now I'm ignoring the modular photo-fit style that's been built in. It turns it into far too much of a chore, so for now I;m just drawing random portraits from my imagination as this keeps it fun for me and allows me to do more. If i get caught up in trying to match everything up, it takes away from the fun and spontaneity and the art work suffers, which demotivates.

My current idea is to then have lots of different portraits and then when I feel I have enough of these I may try to make edits to these as little modular additions (eg, slight changes to eyes, different masks and hair and backgrounds)

Here's some examples so far - they're not much more than sketches. Feel free to just drag them into the 'Hair' folder in facegen to see what they look like in game. As hair is the last image drawn it overwrites everything else.

I should point out if it's not obvious, I'm not an artist, I just like drawing :) I will be touching these up as I go along.


Oh any recommendations for a free IRC program. It's been many years since I used IRC - dial up days I believe :O
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Re: Mission ideas

Post by bszlrd »

Nice portraits. Most of us usually tended to prefer more cartoonish/stylized/simplified approach, but since noboty did got around actually working them extensively yet, it doesn't matter that much. (I usually get fed up once a year, but at the same time somebody comes around with the intention to work on them, so I get back to other things to work on. Then those artists usually fade away from Pioneer..., then I work myself up again, so somebody comes around again, rinse and repeat)
The current facegen should go anyhow.

There's a webchat client on freenode, if that's your thing, or you could try Pidgin on windows, or Konversation on Linux/KDE.
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Re: Mission ideas

Post by Keeper »

The current facegen should go anyhow.
Funny you should mention facegen. For my own amusement I've been using existing assets, baobobafet's assets, and some images of helmets found online to make some new "armour" for police in the facegen. I'm happy with two of them so far (could use a bit of smoothing on the one with the gold helmet):
Probably not something that could be officially released because of the helmet images used (though they've been stretched/squashed and had colour changes), but just something I wanted to do for more variety.
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emptyhead41 - facegen

Post by bszlrd »

Moved some posts from the mission ideas thread to here.
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