Setting face attributes

Topics about the face generator.
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Setting face attributes

Post by clausimu »

Is there a list of attributes that I can set to specify facial features? I can make males or females - but can't find other options. I would like to make sure the same face is used for the same character during mission creation.

Thank you!
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Re: Setting face attributes

Post by impaktor »

At this point you can only choose femaile/male and police.

However, what you want to do is save the character you have created and the face seed.That way it will be persistent through out the mission.
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Re: Setting face attributes

Post by DraQ »

impaktor wrote:female/male and police.
I knew it!
They were the third gender all along!

But yeah, that would be good, being able to customize different elements of the player's character face would be nice as well.
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Re: Setting face attributes

Post by clausimu »

Thank you - at least I can keep the face consistant that way. But it would be nice for the future to be able set some features. Having a teddy bear costume mafia boss that threatens you whereever you go seems kind of silly... :)
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Re: Setting face attributes

Post by impaktor »

Yes, facegen is undergoing changes, and there will be (hopefully) possibility to ask for e.g. pirate-looking fella, or android, alien, and more. This is discussed in some other threads.
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