fluffy wrote:Some slots, could be multi-purpose
Like current fuel scoop and cargo scoop. (They used to be separate)
ecraven linked to Star Conflict's slot-system:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbnljuR ... O6&index=6
The video above mentions three different damage types:
- Kinetic energy (e.g. Projectile weapons like rail-gun),
- Electromagnetic energy (Beam weapons, lasers)
- Thermal energy (?)
That's interesting, but as always, the more complexity, the harder to balance, I'd venture. I'm not sure what "extra" dynamics/function thermal energy weapons/damage give? I assume kinetic energy weapons hit the hull armor plates, while EM weapons hit the shields.
Also, I like the idea of neural implants to improve crew's traits, kind of like in Syndicate. Now, only problem is that crew's traits aren't in any way hooked into pioneer's game mechanics. Yet.
Should maxing out be possible? I.e. should it be possible to simply buy the most expensive thing of each equipment and then only have positive turnout (besides the added weight)? Or will one installed "module" come with negative as well as positive effects?
1. if installing module X, that fills the slot x, thereby you can not install module Y which is "negative" for you
2. if installing module X, this adds weight/power use, to your ship, that is negative
3. if installing module X, it has some really "active" negativity about it: maybe leaking radio-actives harming your crew, or indicating to the police you might be a pirate, or some other added "negative" feature?
Games with "levels" that "unlock" the next set of "modules" contribute to making a game addictive (=fun).
Of what I gathered from the Star Conflict video, it is very clear to the player exactly what each component will do "add 3% speed to ship", I suspect pioneer need to get better at this level of transparency.