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CargoStar Bulk Ship

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:48 pm
by Raynidos
Hi there, I'm Ray and this is my ship.

Concept "Art"

She is a big girl, and designed to be a Bulk cargo ship or even changed a bit and turned into a bulk passenger ship.

I'm still conflicted about the name and manufacturer.
I think she will fit in quite well with the other ALBR ships using the name CargoStar
Another possibility is having her manufactured by OKB Kaluri and calling her Gruzovy (The russian word for cargo to fit the there (грузовой))

Width: 53 Meters
Length: 323 Meters
Height: 53

She's built taking inspiration from bullet trains and is a large cargo hauler that uses a bullet train like design to house large amounts of cargo. This high capacity cargo ship is designed for space flight but this is mainly due to it's sheer size and if scaled down (easily done because of the simple shape) it would make sense for atmospheric flight. She's big but can move well for her size. I imagine here carrying large amounts of cargo from station to station or travelling with convoys.

The rear end of the ship contains large engines (I'm unsure if I want a single huge engine or multiple smaller ones for style) and the front has retro thrusters that hide in the ship.
The crew fit comfortably in the front section of the ship and have a spacious cockpit to boot. The underside of the ship (Below the main cargo bay) is more than enough space for a reactor or two and plenty of prop tanks.

I have not yet decided on placement of external docking ports and the ship lacks visible RCS thrusters due to the fact that I think it's going to change quite a bit with suggestions and feedback.

I decided to throw together a model to help make sense of my horrible drawings and she's looking alright. I haven't made any attempts to model x-wing style engines yet as it doesn't really fit with the style of the game but if people think it's a good idea I'd be happy to try it out.

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated, no matter how negative.

Re: CargoStar Bulk Ship

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:43 am
by impaktor

I saw you got a lot of feedback from nozmajner on IRC, and I can't come with much better input, but this is what popped up in my mind:

Was the max docking-size of a ship 100m?

Could this then be a bulkship? (If so, it can be multiplied up by some factor?)

I can agree that the landing pods look out of place.

Also, tail/rear part doesn't look as interesting/good as the rest of the ship.

But looks like a very promising start.

Re: CargoStar Bulk Ship

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:55 pm
by Raynidos
Just a little update, nothing big.

Firstly I'd like to apologize as not much has changed in the last week or so due to personal commitments.

I'm leaning more and more towards having her come out of Kaluri, hence the hole style rcs. Still considering names as I'm very indecisive.

I've removed any semblance of gear as it didn't really make sense, the engines have been made less insane but still require a complete rework. I will focus on the ships rear and the engines once I am happy with the RCS thrusters.
Work has started on RCS locations and I'm just trying to get it to look right and make sense. I've put some on the rear of the ship and am currently looking at ways to incorporate the same ammount on the front while having it still look good.
impaktor wrote: Could this then be a bulkship? (If so, it can be multiplied up by some factor?)
She is designed as a bulkship, as far as multiplying her size up, thats the idea with the shape. It can be blown up or down easily at any point and still retain it's style, the only thing that would need to change is the cockpit size!

The biggest and most obvious change is that the old cargo doors were changed, there are now 2 larger doors separated by a hull section, this is both for structural stability and for propellant tanks.

I hope you guys like the changes, as always any and all suggestions and criticisms are welcome



Re: CargoStar Bulk Ship

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:34 am
by FluffyFreak
Hi Ray :)

Nice ship, my 2 pence.

It looks like you've made it tapered so whilst it can be scaled uniformly (in x,y and z) it can't easily be extended by repeating the cargo sections for 3, 4, 5, etc length versions which is the way I'd have expected it.
Are the big yellow panels bay doors or covers? I think they could do with detail to break them up as they're going to be huge compared to the ships players get to fly.

The rear looks much better with just 6 big engines :)

Good work so far. I'm sure Noz has talked to you loads on IRC already.


Re: CargoStar Bulk Ship

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:06 pm
by clausimu
Just a thought... If this is a bulk ship and the size I imagine it to be - it almost looks like a ship carrier. The doors will probably be the size of small/medium sized ships, right?

I like the shape of the ship a lot. Great work!
