New ship "koala"

Spacecrafts, buildings and other 3D asset creation
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New ship "koala"

Post by Nyankosensei »

other little ship for pioneer

2 seats little ship with forward thrust at the same of the backward, not highend performance but with a good deltaV (for the class)

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Re: New ship "koala"

Post by bszlrd »

What does it do? I mean what is the role of it? Who's manufacturing it? Why Koala?
Why are the fwd/bwd thrusts similar?
What's the scale? I can't exactly tell, but the cockpit is about 3m long according to the grid. Could you post some more views, so the proportions are more visible? Even some back-lit ones so we can see only the silhouette.
What's that fire like pattern for? (Green-red pairing is a bit unfortunate if it's some kind of camouflage. It will vibrate and such since they are complementary colors.)
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Re: New ship "koala"

Post by robn »

nozmajner wrote:What's that fire like pattern for? (Green-red pairing is a bit unfortunate if it's some kind of camouflage. It will vibrate and such since they are complementary colors.)
Looks rather like the default pattern in the modelviewer, which is just hard R/G/B. I need to hook modelviewer to the in-game colour selection algorithm, which tries a bit hard to select complementary colours.
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