Children of a Dead Earth

Games that are interesting for one reason or another
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Children of a Dead Earth

Post by DraQ »

Hello everyone, long time no see.

It's a bit unexpected to not see this game come up here - even though Pioneer is supposed to be space adventure (with jump drives, tramp freighters, space pirates and everything) rather than rigorous simulation, it pays more than lip service towards keeping the physics real, so I would expect game focused on pedantically realistic simulation of space battles using only already existing or at least preliminarily explored technology to generate a lot of interest here:

It's not a space-sim in the sense of hands-on manoeuvring and shooting, but it has both space and simulation in copious amounts - you can even design you own components such as rocket engines, reactors, railguns, coilguns (down to thickness and material of wire you use to make coils), etc.
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Re: Children of a Dead Earth

Post by impaktor »

We've discussed it a bit in the community, but maybe that was on IRC. I can't remember, but it is on our radar.
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Re: Children of a Dead Earth

Post by bszlrd »

Yup, it came up lots of times on IRC
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Re: Children of a Dead Earth

Post by FluffyFreak »

Yes it's quite mental but I like the idea!
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