Nebulous: Fleet Command

Games that are interesting for one reason or another
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Posts: 1080
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Nebulous: Fleet Command

Post by bszlrd »

This one looks quite interesting. Rather The Expanse style combat in there.
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Re: Nebulous: Fleet Command

Post by impaktor »

Looks very interesting. Some concepts:

Basic concepts:
- Mounts - are external, slots
- Compartments - internal stuff, like crew, ammo store, etc
- Modules - smaller systems that optimize ship operation & saftey (sprinklers, ammo-elevator for boosting reload time)

Some cool equipment ideas:
- internal radar - less accurate, don't require slot
- signature scramblers - make small ships look like large
- track correlator & mount gyros - improve aim & accuracy of turrets

Repair system seems interesting:
- Modelling repair teams time to get to the damaged component + equipment to help them move quicker
Posts: 1080
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:25 pm
Location: Budapest HU

Re: Nebulous: Fleet Command

Post by bszlrd »

Yes, I liked that part as well. The varied possibilites such system of modules and such could bring.
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