Add a BAR to SpaceStation

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Add a BAR to SpaceStation

Post by impaktor »

I've previously alluded to me thinking about adding a Bar, so I thought I'd flesh out the idea here.

I want to move some of the mission modules from the BBS to a new tab, called a "BAR". I've already started writing code to add the bar, bartender and characters to the SpaceStation:

https://user-images.githubusercontent.c ... b8ef9b.png

The idea with a Bar is to allow more varied game play. Illegal stuff would be done here (fixes #1012), by chatting to seedy characters, if you have the reputation for it. So instead of adverts on a BBS, there are names in a list (representing current people in the bar), plus a Bartender.

Engaging the bartender in conversation would basically default to the Advice module. But a module should be able to change the behavior of a bartender. Maybe alerting the player to some opportunity that the mission module will trigger.

Some of the guests in the bar are random NPCs (just dead weight/"noise"), but some would be permanent "fixers" offering Assassination jobs, or black market (Goodstrader), (plus it's fake/police-trap).

Thus we would need some mechanism for modules to add characters to the Bar-list, similar to how modules can add adverts to the BBS. Also how to add custom behavior for the Bartender.
  • Q: "But why? Isn't this the same as a BBS?"
  • A: Initially, it would be similar, but it's a first step to something bigger. For instance, the find missing people PR (#4746) could add the "missing person" to a bar in some station.
  • Q: "Wait?, Is the player a ship or is the player actually inside the station when landed?"
  • A: If it helps, one could imagine communicating with digital avatars of the people in the bar, or whatever. I'd like to think the player has actually entered the space station. At least, that's definitely the direction I want to move in, outlined in my old "walk on base"-post

I have added several icons to our icon set (Beer-glass, Wine-glass, Cocktail glass), which set me thinking, different stations could have different icons for the Bar-tab, and different titles of the "Bartender", e.g.

Code: Select all

BAR-ICON  | NAME          | TITLE
beer,     | pub,          | bartender
beer,     | bar,          | bartender
beer,     | tavern,       | barkeep/barmaid
beer,     | lodge,        | barkeep
beer,     | inn,          | barkeep
beer,     | watering hole,| bartender
wine,     | restaurant,   | waiter/waitress
wine,     | saloon,       | waiter/waitress
cocktail, | lounge,       | concierge
cocktail, | club,         |
coffee,   | cafeteria,    |
coffee,   | canteen,      |
coffee,   | diner,        | cook/waitress
coffee,   | joint,        | cook/waitress
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Re: Add a BAR to SpaceStation

Post by impaktor »

Also, one could re-write deliver package to require the player to deliver it to the person in the Bar, i.e. it's not auto-complete by just landing.

I also had a thought, with a Bar (or similar list of NPCs available/ hanging around in the station), we can actually have person-to-person combat: when you choose to attack an NPC, a window opens up for controlling the combat. Initially, in its simplest form, it could be some RPG / dice roll thingy, or be developed to something more advanced. Thus, Assassination missions could be done against NPC / on stations as well.

Now, this specifically isn't anything I have planned working on any time soon, but I just want to point out the kind of novel mechanic that would be possible, which I think is sorely needed to bring the stations alive, and offer far more diverse missions.
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Re: Add a BAR to SpaceStation

Post by nozmajner »

That would be nice if you would actually need to find the person for delivery and such.

You should check out Sunless Skies, it has some text adventure-RGP elemenets like the combat you mention. With dice rolls, chances, and based on your stats. And there are decisions in there as well. Fallen London, their web based RPG also has similar mechanics that might be interesting.
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