JSON Terrain

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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by FluffyFreak »

It is a LOOONG way from useful right now. Very much experimental, in need of a lot of work.
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by FluffyFreak »

This one is amazing, I know that I've seen it before but just LOOOOK at it
https://github.com/vraid/earthgen-old#s ... -variation
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by bszlrd »

This might also be interesting for terrain generation.
A blender geometry nodes addon for terrain generation, with erosion and such:
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by FluffyFreak »

Yeah good Erosion is what makes that looks so good, which is tricky because it's A) very slow, B) we need to generate everything in a single pass which means we can only do an approximation of Erosion in our current tech.
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by impaktor »

This is the thread for procedural terrain posting? Dropping this here:

Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation
We introduce Infinigen, a procedural generator of photorealistic 3D scenes of the natural world. Infinigen is entirely procedural: every asset, from shape to texture, is generated from scratch via randomized mathematical rules, using no external source and allowing infinite variation and composition.

Code: Select all

<sturnclaw> The thing I like about infinigen is it's basically 80-90% of the
            work needed to replicate e.g. No Man's Sky's procgen foliage built
            on top of Blender's geometry nodes and written in readable python
<sturnclaw> We may or may not use it directly, but I [22:44:29]
<sturnclaw> *I'll definitely be cribbing notes from the implementation for
            sure [22:44:42]
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by FluffyFreak »

Not really but I was JUST coming to post that same link! :D
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by FluffyFreak »

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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by impaktor »

sturnclaw found this, on procedural generatio
n, successor to wave function collapse:

Code: Select all

<sturnclaw> There is a definite possibility we could use this for mesh
            generation for cities in the future - it can handle organic and
            artificial shapes and works on a directed graph rather than a
            square grid  [16:57]
<sturnclaw> Because it's graph based, it could operate at the level of very
            simple input meshes and the results used to arrange "mesh
            sections" with higher detail + texturing to make up a
            fully-detailed building or city  [16:58]
<sturnclaw> By sections, I mean a fragment of a wall or roof edge or
            ceiling/floor/balcony tile, etc.  [16:59]
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Re: JSON Terrain

Post by bszlrd »

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