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Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 6:44 pm
So, currently in Pioneer, the cockpits only show up in front view, right? I think we could set camera tags for cockpit models too, just like how we do it for ship models; so when you are looking right, the cockpit model also shows up, but centered on the cam_right tag. For example a front view tag could be centered on where the pilot's head would be in flight, a right view tag could be shifted ever so slightly towards the right window, a bottom view tag could be closer to a bottom view screen, and for some direction for which we have no suitable position, like the rear view, we could just not set a tag and it would simply not render the cockpit model (as it does now).

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 7:34 am
by bszlrd
That would be nice

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 3:35 pm
by bszlrd
It would be even better if there would be an quick animation to each position

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 2:04 pm
by bszlrd
Hmm, we already have look left-right-up-down binding that works nicely in the cockpit. It turns rather fast, but apart from that it is nice. I knew we had analog axes for it, but did not realize that keys are bindable too.

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:38 am
by sturnclaw
Late to the party, but I think the left/right/up/down/rear views (and maybe even the front view, if we want to separate that from the cockpit!) should be considered views through a camera, and the cockpit a specific separate view itself that the user can pan around in using the mouse or headtracking - when pressing the buttons to select other views you're semantically switching to the view from a camera, rather than the operator's view of the cockpit I think.

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:43 pm
I see, I tend to think of them as camera views in the current version too. But it annoys me sometimes because it breaks my immersion of being in a cockpit a little. I play with cockpit model on and also use the arrow keys to switch views quickly and it suddenly feels like you are out in the vacuum of space.

You don't get that in 1993 game X-Wing because when there is no cockpit sprite for a particular viewing direction you at least get a display frame and it gives you the feeling that you are in a vehicle looking at a screen.

Or I guess in Pioneer it could be like a 5+ gen. fighter where a helmet lets you see through the cockpit if you switch it on. Anyway, I think the view direction switching keys shouldn't determine whether the cockpit is on or off, maybe we can have a separate key to toggle cockpit?

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:57 am
by bszlrd
Check the view control settings then: Freelook Yaw and Pitch close to the end of the list. There's an analog mapping for both axes, and you can bind keys to them as well. Only the rear direction is missing, since they all rotate 90˚s
It rotates the view rather fast, but the cockpit stays visible if you are in front view.

Re: Cockpit view camera tags

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:06 pm
by Keeper
There was a post here somewhere about editing code to get the ship visible in the regular "in-flight" views. I fly with only forward, rear, and belly (down) cameras. It would be nice to have the ship visible in the belly cam. I'll have to find where that code was and see if I can get only the belly cam to have the ship visible. I do use head tracking to look "up" from the belly cam on approach, so seeing the ship's body and landing gear at certain angles would be cool.

(My thought is either that the pilot is wearing a VR headset, or otherwise when we switch camera views we're technically seeing a camera view displayed on a monitor, but the game is just zoomed into that monitor -- and my head tracking is just the pilot manipulating the camera direction.)