I've started working on a more personal project, which I think may be of interest to you guys ;) The Azanchi Empire
The Azanchi empire is a faction distant to the galaxy's historical center. It brings some flavour and variety to the game's lore, with little to no interaction with the main plot.
It replaces the "Blood faction"
The capital is System Zuba, planet Jabu, (26,9,9)
The Azanchi empire has some of the following inspirations:
- General flavour is African high-tech
- Language is Afrihili. Most bodies', cities' and characters' names come from this language, or from real names/locations in eastern/southern Africa.
- Politics and society are imperial, conservative, tied by strong and creative culture, inspired by the "golden age" of Arabic caliphates
Please note that Azanchi is NOT "Africa in Space": it is just an attempt of an exotic space opera fantasy. It has nothing of the subtleties of African cultures and has no pretentions to it.
- A new faction with its lore
- Currently one custom system (11 more are planned)
- New names, which currently apply to the entire galaxy, but could benefit from developing the localized people name feature
- A starting position in the empire's capitol
You can Download as a mod file here
You can find the lore (not definitive) in the subfolder: azanchi.zip\_non_mod\2020.05.06\Pioneer\Azanchi empire