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Re: Can't get cockpit to show

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:28 pm
by nozmajner
@Shizzai: it seems fluffyfreak already merged a fix for it. It should be in the next release (or you could try building from source if can't wait to check)

Re: Can't get cockpit to show

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:40 pm
by Keeper
I'll have to build from source and see if it also fixes the oddity of the sector view screen having all options on (but not selected) if you go straight to it. It might not, as I also noticed occasionally the out-of-range systems still being labeled when opening the map mid-game. And just now I cycled through to get the cockpit, went to the map, and even the vertical lines were on despite not being selected. (And yet, in another new-game start, everything looked OK. It's rather inconsistent.)

I'll need to save my language edits (I need to make a couple more; I've noticed two more American spellings while playing the game -- maybe a separate U.S. English "language" option isn't a bad idea!), and my updated ship graphics that weren't in the latest update (unfortunately I don't remember how many I updated after that PR was made). I really should sit down and figure out how to set up git so I can do those myself, I guess...

I think next time I do a build, I'll try recording my screen as I go and giving a commentary on how to do it, so people can make their own 64-bit Windows build. The instructions in the COMPILING.txt are rather incomplete and unclear for a first-timer. Perhaps even out of date, as it suggests using VS2015 but the source does seem to have support for VS2017 now as well. I suppose that is preferable, but I've used 2015 so far. It does work with 2017 as well, I take it...? I'll have to download and install that as well if I do this video idea...

Re: Can't get cockpit to show

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 7:21 am
by impaktor
I've noticed two more American spellings while playing the game -- maybe a separate U.S. English "language" option isn't a bad idea!)
I wouldn't bother with making pioneer either use american or british spelling. There is no default, it's mixed. And if we were to decide on one, that would just trigger a bunch of re-translations for all other languages. Some goes with the code variables, functions, and comments. As long as each sentence or flavour is consistent.

And if we have british spelling, you can still have Oxford or Cambridge prefered spelling, where -"ize" is the older (Cambridge?) style (often confused with "american spelling"), compared to -"ise".

Re: Can't get cockpit to show

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:50 pm
by FluffyFreak
It won't fix the sector view, the problems are unrelated at least as far as the code involved is concerned. They might both be due to uninitialised data in some way.

It works with VS2015 and VS2017.

Re: Can't get cockpit to show

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 5:07 pm
by Keeper
Yeah, I didn't change any of the variables, functions, or comments, as those don't matter. The most important thing with my changes were for punctuation and spelling (not just British/American spelling, but actual mistakes), plus a bit more variety in places.