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This, what if you could spawn an outpost and make mission more "planet-centric?"
"Our outpost for {Geoseysmic study|ecc...} on {System unhabited} is running low on {something}" "Be careful to have enough fuel to come back"
"There are rumors on a ship near {planet} that drop {equipment type} to escape gravity"
"a combat between {faction1} and {faction2} occured in orbit around {planet}, there's plenty of scrap there"
Espionage: "We ({faction1}) need info on military base on {planet} and we need to acquire them" ...a kind of "outpost" mission...
And obviously: "Please blast this enemy outpost!!!" :D ...but then you need Bomb and a way to drop them :/
and the winner is: Archeological missions ;)
• SAR alternative: deliveries to and from tiny settlement on the ground. Research installatios, shady smugglers, etc. Would need rough landing. Could be recuring.
• SAR alternative? salvage mission: Bringing and returning a salvage crew to a wreck. Would need a certain amount of free cargo space. Pay could be a % of the loot, so if you have a small ship that has small cargo space, then the payout might be smaller too.
• Looking for somebody. Taxi-like, but with a chain of stops. Maybe even spotting the target ship (if it is a ship).
○ Alternative: you have to find a certain ship in a system and report it's location back. Possibly you have to land on the same base and wait for your passenger, who's gonna plant a tracking device on it or steal something from it. Could result in the ship noticing and attacking you.
• Expedition - taxi like. Some scientist, surveyors or so want to survey possible sites for an operation, want to do some research in an area. Player provides transportation of personel and equipment to the area, then fullfils requests from them. General in-orbit survey, then possibly checking out multiple areas on the ground.
○ Might be chained: they are looking for a place that fits, and you need to check several, then return
○ Possible follow-up mission: bringing expedition crew to the selected spot.
○ Could happen to check out a little settlement/expedition base. Intel gathering, which could result in attacks from it. Could include stealth too, like flying low enough to be undetected, or making a ballistic pass close enough. Ballistic, so no exhaust plume. (Would need proper stealth mechanics)
• Sample gathering: go to a given place, land and bring back samples. Could be from several different areas.
○ Skim an atmosphere for atmo samples. Harder ones would need gas giant samples, or even Sun corona samples. Might pay by the ton of samples returned, but with an upper limit.