A collection of random ideas

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Re: A collection of random ideas

Post by nozmajner »

Caveat: I was talking about ships there.
But for stations and stuff, it would be nice to have something like that.
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Re: A collection of random ideas

Post by FluffyFreak »

I'm ok with "some" modularity, take for example the idea of attaching/removing external weapons, radar dishes etc.
This is like having a hardpoint that equipment can attach too. We technically support some of this in code already, although it would take some further work to really expose it and make it useful to people.

You could extend this idea a bit further to have interchangeable ship components that attach to a core "frame" of the ship but that's a lot more work for the artists and I don't believe that it adds anything to the game itself.

Fully modular ships of any shape or design, created by the user isn't really in our plans.
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Re: A collection of random ideas

Post by Toshiwoz »

I think that you have a point Noz, that kind of modularity will probably imply a complete redesign of the existing ships, and lot of work in general.
Yet, in code at least, as far as I can understand, the ships are already becoming "modular" (for now not reflected graphically, i I'm not mistaken), so entities are divided in sub-systems, like navigation, propulsion, weapons, etc. That will probably lead to something Fluffy mentioned (entities are visually represented), that possibly won't be that hard to do, and eventually could lead to the possibility of a more "extreme" modularity.

Yet, buildings, and possibly stations, can probably be modular with less struggle, and eventually would allow a better design/look for the cities, that as I can tell, are just a uniform grid of random buildings.
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