Hello, Im new, and I have ideas (big text)

Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:23 am

Re: Hello, Im new, and I have ideas (big text)

Post by joonicks »

EMP device/weapon to target enemies shields
complete drain/partial drain/temporary disabling
might only be possible to use if you have no shields yourself or if your shields are 0%
Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:23 am

Re: Hello, Im new, and I have ideas (big text)

Post by joonicks »

navy capital ships (both warships and support ships) slowboating around inside a system. could be the objective to visit in missions.
rare pirate capital ships hiding out in low security systems with funny names like "tiny tims", "black widow", "angel of death" and such

missions to go and recover old probes to harvest the data, both deep space probes and surface probes.
could be rival navy probes, or simply criminals stealing probes from corps/navies
Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2015 7:23 am

Re: Hello, Im new, and I have ideas (big text)

Post by joonicks »

New commodity: Proteins

New module: Refrigeration unit, or possibly an environment unit that can handle both live cattle/slaves (life support) and frozen meat/etc (refrigeration)

When generating systems and planets, having each civilization (settlement) given an appropriate template for its economy depending on planetary conditions and population size.
templates would specify market alterations like +50 price on luxury goods (major import) or -50% price on meat (major export)

Starbases having less refined "heavy" goods like metal ores: because its expensive to haul them into orbit and storing them in a limited space spacestation
less commodities in general on orbitals, again because space is limited, huge warehouses costly in orbit.
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