Feature request: drop time acceleration when speed is very low

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Feature request: drop time acceleration when speed is very low

Post by DynV »

I often use the auto-pilot with a large time acceleration. Sometimes the speed becomes very low, as in < 100m/s for over 10 in-game minute, and because time passes by so fast and I'm not expecting it, I end up using several minutes for something I would have disabled auto-pilot and did "manual" piloting (as in "wasting" time). This doesn't matter much in the--very--small portion of my game-play that I don't have an active mission, or when all missions have extra time to their deadlines, but that's a small portion of my game-play.

It would be nice if when auto-pilot is active that there is automation to drop time acceleration when a certain amount of in-game time has passed without moving sufficiently.

Thank you for your consideration

Update 1
Optionally there would be a mention of it in comms (ie Very slow speed detected).
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Re: Feature request: drop time acceleration when speed is very low

Post by impaktor »

It would be nice if when auto-pilot is active that there is automation to drop time acceleration when a certain amount of in-game time has passed without moving sufficiently.
That might be of interest, yes. I haven't used auto-pilot in a long while, so not sure I've experienced what you describe.
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