Feature request: backup hyperdrive

For suggesting features that might be useful
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Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:25 am

Feature request: backup hyperdrive

Post by DynV »

I had my hyperdrive serviced just a few weeks before when it failed and it wasn't by SuperFix; I think I paid 60$ for it from an independent shop. With 156t capacity, I could surely have a 4t class 1 hyperdrive as a backup.

If a hyperdrive field repair require a certain engineering % from a crew member, that would be reasonable (and contributing to the "realism"). However if so, please ensure its mentioned when buying a backup hyperdrive and, if the former is implemented, when dismissing the last crew member with enough engineering % to do the on-the-spot drive swap.

Thank you for your consideration
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Re: Feature request: backup hyperdrive

Post by impaktor »

So when hireing someone, it should add sentences what that crew member can contribute with?

"Reduce chance of hyperdrive failure by x %"
"speed up repair time by factor y"?
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:25 am

Re: Feature request: backup hyperdrive

Post by DynV »

Sorry for the delay, I wasn't notified by email. About the 2nd paragraph, you'd be notified when purchasing it that there need to be a crew with X% of engineering for the backup to be switched to (otherwise game over as it currently do), and when trying to dismiss the last crew with that engineering %, it warns you of what would happen if you proceed then the main engine breaks (game over).

Update 1
Perhaps also the current weight of the ship can be checked if the engine is strong enough (ie a fully equipped huge ship couldn't get to hyperdrive by a class 1), and also check if maximum weight would be supported and if not warns about it; optionally also warns if trying to get above that weight.

Update 2
For huge ships, one of the smallest ships could even be carried so at least it's not a game over if the hyperdrive engine fail.
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